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Emerging From A Junction

Emerging at Junctions

How to emerge from a junction safely

Different road junctions

If you are approaching a give way junction you will use the M S P S L routine on approach.

  • give way junction
  • A junction with STOP lines and STOP signs
  • An unmarked junction, where 2 or more roads meet and there are no road markings
  • An open junction. If the junction is open on approach, then you have good visibility into the new road.
  • closed junction. Your visibility on approach is very restricted. Even at the give way or stop lines, it will still be difficult to see.
  • Your instructor will explain this in detail to you.

Approaching a give way junction to turn left


Check your centre mirror then your left mirror.


Signal left in good time and ensure that the signal is not misleading.


Keep your normal position on approach to the junction (about 1 metre from the kerb). As the kerb starts to bend to the left, steer gently left. Once at the junction you should be about 50cm from the kerb with the car pointing slightly to the left. If the kerb is straight all the way to the junction, keep your normal position. This will ensure that when you are steering left out of the junction your near side rear wheel will not hit the kerb.


Ease of the gas on approach to the junction and cover the pedals. Brake gently to 10mph then push the clutch all the way down. The clutch should go down when you are roughly three car lengths ahead of the junction, then go back into 1st gear. Allow the vehicle to roll to the junction, using the brake to control your speed.

You should aim to stop with the front of your car about 20cm behind the junction. Once at the junction, find biting point. If the road you are on is uphill or downhill, your instructor will explain this area in more detail.


Look right and left on approach to the junction to see if it is open or closed. Once at the junction, always look right first and then look twice each way before you go. If there is traffic on the new road, your instructor will help you decide if it is safe to go.

Ease off the brake and release the clutch a little (then hold the clutch steady and add a little gas.) The car will start to move. Steer left as much as necessary and begin to steer right to straighten up just before going in a straight line.

Once in the new road check your centre mirror.

Approaching a give way junction to turn right


Check your centre mirror then your right mirror.


Signal right in good time and ensure the signal is not misleading.


Move your position to the right so you’re around 20cm from the centre line, if the road you are on is very narrow you would keep to your normal driving position.


Ease of the gas on approach to the junction and cover the pedals. Brake gently to 10mph then push the clutch all the way down. The clutch should go down when you are roughly three car lengths ahead of the junction, then go back into 1st gear. Allow the vehicle to roll to the junction, using the brake to control your speed.

You should aim to stop with the front of your car about 20cm behind the junction. Once at the junction, find biting point. If the road you are on is uphill or downhill, your instructor will explain this area in more detail.


Look right and left on approach to the junction to see if it is open or closed. Once at the junction,you always look right first and then look twice each way before you go. Emerging right is more challenging because you are crossing two paths of traffic.

If there is traffic on the new road, your instructor will help you decide if it is safe to go.

Ease off the brake and release the clutch a little (then hold the clutch steady and add a little gas). The car will start to move, Steer right as much as necessary and begin to steer left to straighten up just before going in a straight line.

Once in the new road check your centre mirror.

If you are interested in learning to drive then please call Simon at 4front Driving School on 07905657229

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