What’s the difference between a manual and an automatic car? You will discover that most cars are available in both manual and automatic versions, but what’s the difference? You will also find that many manufacturers are offering their automatic models in electric and / or hybrid versions too. You won't however find a manual version of an electric or hybrid car. So basically when you compare an automatic against a manual, it’s down to the gearbox. With a manual car, you’ll have to change gears yourself with the aid of a clutch and gear stick, while an automatic car changes gears by itself, depending on the speed you are travelling, rate of acceleration and revs. When comparing the function of automatic and manual manual cars you will find that an automatic has just two pedals - the accelerator and brake. Where as the manual has a gear stick and a third pedal to operate the clutch. Because of these extra components, manual cars are more difficult to learn to drive in than automatic...